In which world do you prefer your children(their children etc.) will live? The wolrld of economic instability,unemployment,terrorism,wars,criminality,disasters,bad news,dishonesty,liars,untrue information,drugs,diseases(both,physical and mental);lack of hope,love,faith,humanity,true friendships,happiness,joy...? The world of disrespect,hate,fear,apathy,anger,hostility,boredom,despair...?...The world of pornography,violence,prostitution,promiscuity,irrationality and insanity,treason,betrayal,adultery,lack of trust...? The world of distorted,false information?...The world of low ethical standards which are displayed in the lives of politicians,celebrities,people around you?... The world of ecological polution,processed food which is not good for our health,poluted enviroment and poluted air... I can continue this list endlessly,...but,i hope ,you've got an idea,even if,in some places i exaggerate it !... I am sure,that most of you want to live in the world( and inherit such world to the future generations) of high ethical standards! The world of able ,talented,creative,cheerful,happy sane people! The world of peace,stability,beauty,truth,justice,honesty,respect,health,love,true friendship,trust,prosperity,joy,sanity,happiness...